Hoifung Poon (MSR), South England Natural Language Processing Meetup
- 80% of people are non-responders to top 20 prescription medicines
- now we have genome and other data, let’s use this to target treatments to individuals
- machine reading -> KB to help support decision making / developing treatment
- 3 example projects:
- MR for precision cancer knowledge curation
- replacement for the “Molecular Tumor Board” (basically 20 people in a room combing through thousands of scientific papers)
- EMR-based virtual trials
- not published studies, but data is in medical records
- off-label drug use as an N-of-1 trial
- this is an amazing idea
- matching patients to clinical trials
- eligibility conditions in text, currently totally word-of-mouth
- patients with terminal conditions want to be in trials, and many trials fail with not enough participants
- MR for precision cancer knowledge curation
Project Hanover
- project website
- focus on machine reading papers -> KB project
- challenges:
- “the long tail of variations” and ambiguity in text
- need for causal inference (as a tool to handle adversarial examples, hmm)
- annotation bottleneck, especially in medicine
- step 1: encode some noisy labels using unified language of probabilistic logic
- joint inference using coreference and apposition
- distant supervision - hallucinate labels (of relation, from text) from a small ground-truth KB
- “In biology, what is not lacking is ontologies”
- “In biology, what is not lacking is ontologies”
- data programming - rules! we’ll always need them
- step 2: E2E learning intractable (inference as a subroutine), DL can help
- rules from step 1 translate to graphical factor model that generates noisy labels for a feedforward network
- generalise virtual evidence (Pearl 1988, Bilmes 2005) to arbitrary factors
- optimisation: maximise conditional likelihood of the virtual evidence
- (this is around where I stopped following things
- at inference time, just use deep network (“boring supervised learning”)
- assume we’ve crammed the knowledge from the PGM into the network for now, worth looking into how to use both
- Wang & Poon “Deep Probabilistic Logic” - paper in submission (where?)
- related work:
- knowledge compilation (Hu et al. 2016)
- differentiable logic (Rocktaeschel & Riedel 2017)
The end bit where we ran out of time
- Graph LSTM (TACL ‘17)
- use dependency parse to help LSTMs
- one forget gate per ancestor in the graph
- much like Tree LSTMs but for arbitrary graphs
- for backprop - decompose graph to forward and backward edges (relative to the sentence) to recover DAG structure
- claims the graph helps if the syntactic parser is good
- evidence that the language bit matters? my personal quest for a rock-solid experiment showing this continues
- clinical machine reading work (patient records, clinical trials) seems harder and less far along
- public data is not always made public after submission, people forget etc.
- automatically detect public data that should be released and notify them
- I love this, just look at this plot (magenta line is post-Wide-Open)
Final quote on clinical ML: “You can imagine this snowballing in multiple dimensions”