Kyunghyun Cho (FAIR and NYU), South England Natural Language Processing Meetup
Slides are here. This was a good talk! So good that we ran overtime with no flagging in audience interest and had about 6 minutes to get out of the British Library before it closed.
1. Non-Autoregressive Sequence Modeling
- primary paper
- decoding for sequence modeling
- exact is intractable
- even approximate is inherently sequential

- hence non-autoregressive - assume conditional independence among outputs
- decoding is tractable and parallelizable, yay!
- but there are dependencies, boo

- use latent variables to model dependencies
- however, we can’t marginalize over our latent variables generally
- => need to impose some interpretation on those latent variables to make it tractable
- example for translation (Gu et al. 2018)
- repetition as latent variable (this word in source language translates to how many in target?)
- use
for supervision (Dyer et al. 2013)

- what else can we do?
- let latent variables share output semantics (vocab)
- allows us to do iterative refinement of translation
- a picture is worth a thousand words here…

- model in the box can be just about anything, they used transformer because why the hell not
- loss is true translation (with some corruption) for each iteration
- iterative refinement behaves like conditional denoising autoencoder - learns gradient field that points to data manifold
- almost as good as SOTA, but 4x faster (especially on low-resource languages)
- (from an audience question) maybe could do beam search on the iterations… but, maybe that’s what the refinement is learning to do already!
- takeaways:
- latent variables can capture output dependences more efficiently (than autoregressive decoding)
- different interpretations => different learning/decoding algorithms
- “2 rabbits with 1 stone”, as the Korean version of the proverb apparently goes
- “2 rabbits with 1 stone”, as the Korean version of the proverb apparently goes
2. Meta-Learning for Low Resource Languages
primary paper (anonymous but the figures are the same
- how to do multilingual MT?
- multitask - N-to-N via shared representation space
- can use 1 encoder/decoder with e.g. Universal Lexical Representation (Gu again, natch)
- tends to overfit to low-resource and underfit to high-resource languages
- or just ignore low-resource completely
- results are good but reality involves lots of tricksy tuning
- “it’s more of an art than a science - and a pretty horrible art!”
- we really want transfer learning
- enter model-agnostive meta-learning (Finn et al. 2017)
- very roughly: simulate gradient update & loss on a validation set
- kind of like hyperparameter search… but on the parameters themselves
- similarity between source and target languages still matters for performance
- awaits fully universal bit-level SOTA MT results from OpenAI in a few years
- awaits fully universal bit-level SOTA MT results from OpenAI in a few years
- takeways:
- growing importance of higher-order learning - learning to learn
- I should try to actually understand meta-learning someday
3. Real-time Machine Translation
- primary paper
- simultaneous translation - a vaguely ridiculous task
- want to minimise delay while maximising quality of translation
- Neural Networks as Forgetting Machines
- hidden layers contain more info than is needed for the task
- (editor’s note: echoes of InferSent kicking ass, maybe information bottleneck?)
- train a “software hack” to look inside NN - using RL
- basically fix a NMT model & just train a policy on top
- decides when to have the NMT model output a target symbol or wait
- when it decides to translate? roughly follows attention (!)
- takeaways:
- learning, inference, model - the three axes of ML, which must be considered jointly
- find the hidden info in model layers before just trying new ones, you may be surprised
- (editor’s note: this is exactly the takeaway of a certain excellent ICLR workshop paper)
We spent approximately 30 seconds on this entire section but it blew my fucking mind. I mean just look at this slide, how can you not love this shit: