Part of my series of notes from ICLR 2019 in New Orleans.
These are talks (and panels) from the Safe ML Workshop.
- ensure ML algorithms
- do what they’re supposed to
- avoid causing harm
- have positive impact
Cynthia Rudin: Interpretability for Important Problems
- example: EEG used to monitor seizures
- expensive and not well-utilized where needs to be
- need seizure prediction
- => 2HELPS2B score – ML model but totally interpretable, medically validated
- sparse linear model with integer coefficients
- add constraints to improve interpretability while retaining accuracy
Rashomon set – the set of good (equally accurate) models is fairly big, so there’s probably an interpretable model in here
- (I assume this is named after this movie, which you should definitely watch if you haven’t already!)
- explainability (posthoc) vs. interpretability (no black boxes to start with)
- a hilarious FICO competition story…
- sometimes you really don’t need black boxes
- sometimes you do though, e.g. computer vision
This Looks Like That (Chen et al. 2018)
- case-based reasoning – “K-nearest parts of prototypical cases”
- learn prototypes, similarity scores, class connection weights
Risk-SLIM (Ustin & Rudin 2017)
- bad, bad objective (complexity theory-wise)
- lattice cutting plane algorithm – adapted to work for mixed-integer program
- takeaway: training these kinds of models is difficult, but doesn’t require sacrificing accuracy
- if you’re working on something important, maybe it’s worth it
Dylan Hadfield-Menell: Formalizing the Value Alignment Problem in AI
- how models figure out what you want
- Faulty Reward Design – intended vs. actual environment when designing reward functions
- Bayesian approach to express uncertainty about unknown states
- => Inverse Reward Design – provide proxy reward function + training environments
- more generally: cooperative inverse reinforcement learning (paper)
- robot chooses action, human chooses objective function
- computationally difficult though (decentralized POMDP)
- can show it’s actually slightly more tractable than it seems initially
Assistive Multi-Armed Bandit (paper)
- how to help people who (initially) don’t know what they want?
- learning vs. assisting strategies
- are there assisting strategies that can actually help humans learn?
- e.g. make an inconsistent learner consistent
- example: greedy strategy
- human picks best action seen so far (exploit)
- robot ensures human explores
- “noisy-greedy-in-the-limit” – very weak sufficient condition for when assisting can help
David Krueger: Misleading meta-objectives and hidden incentives for distributional shift
- distributional shift – train/test distributions are different
- what learners “want” – objective function tells us the ends, but the means are also important
Self-Induced Distributional Shift (SIDS)
- algorithms don’t model their own effects on the world
Hidden Incentives for Distributional Shift (HIDS)
- causes models to “cheat”
- look out for HIDS!!!
- naive specification of objective creates hidden incentive to shift the distribution
- unit test (!) for HIDS using meta-learning
- HIDS mitigation strategy: environment swapping
- rewards from your actions go to another agent
- why do we care?
- unknown unknowns
- feedback loops in content recommendation
- don’t want robots taking over the world to optimize their objective function
Panel Number One
- analogous problems might still have different solutions
- e.g. AI systems & capitalism both min/max objectives with potentially unknown side effects
- but what you do about them might be very different
- companies design systems that they are not subject to
- e.g. criminal justice
- incentives not aligned
- think about why pro-active regulation isn’t happening
- humans aren’t good at pro-activity… but right now AI has pretty much nothing
- ML researchers can help but probably can’t solve it alone, needs imput from ethicists, social scientists, etc.
Beomsu Kim: Bridging Adversarial Robustness and Gradient Interpretability
- adversarial training causes loss gradients to be visually interpretable
- not necessarily better descriptions of internal representations though
- restricts adversarial examples to image manifold
- stronger adversary => adversarial examples look more natural
- hypothesis that decision boundary tilting along low variance directions causes existence of adversarial examples
- adversarial training prevents decision boundary from tilting
- quantitative interpretability
- (missed how they’re defining this?)
- tradeoff between accuracy and gradient interpretability
Avraham Ruderman: Uncovering Surprising Behaviors in Reinforcement Learning via Worst-Case Analysis
- evaluating RL
- outside training disribution
- worst-case rather than average
- examples with mazes + ones with walls randomly moved/removed
- local search to find worst maze ever, even ones with very sparse wall structure
- rare but simple mazes
- humans do just fine on them… some of these algorithm failures are quite amusing
- some transfer across agents
- finding failure examples is much less efficient than for supervised learning
- can failure cases help us understand what causes failure?
Ian Goodfellow: The case for dynamic defenses against adversarial examples
- based on this
- adversarial examples: anything that is designed to mess with a model
- not just imperceptible, etc.
- the research community is overfitting to the problem he proposed 5 years ago…
- i.e. small norm ball perturbations model of adversarial examples
- need more realistic threat models
- no reason for attackers to stick to the norm ball
- value alignment – this attack corresponds to only first few steps of optimisation
- only focusing on starting points within test set and perturbing
- “expectimax”
- still not really solved after 2000 papers, but maybe some people should be moving on
- what about “true max”?
- test set attack (Gilmer et al. 2018) – find errors in the test set and repeat them forever
- as long as failure rate r ≠ 0, this attack works
- adversarial training improves accuracy on adversarial set but tends to decrease accuracy on natural test set
r = 0 will never happen (except for simple tasks), so can’t defeat the test set attack
- btw humans also have non-zero failure rate, so for once humans don’t give us an existence proof
- deterministic defenses just don’t work
- what about stochastic?
- model still can’t be perfect, so still a failure rate
- what about abstention?
- still just reducing r, still not perfect (m+1 classes instead of m)
- so… what about dynamic?
- breaks train / infer division
- requires behaviour that changes after deployment
- very scary
- but almost certainly necessary for true defense
- side effect: if you believe dynamic defense is necessary, then making models less flaky also makes things more secure
- “memorization” defense (with or without abstention)
- existence of dynamic defense that outperforms fixed defenses on test set attack
- dynamic is necessary, probably not sufficient
- question: does dynamic defense always need an oracle?
- hard to imagine what it looks like without…
Panel Number Two
- how do we get good specifications to then optimize?
- they’re not just handed down from god…
- “One thing that will get easier is convincing people of the importance of AI safety research” (Goodfellow)
- make AIs that make the same mistakes as humans?
- dynamic proposal: can’t make a perfect system, so should make mistakes that aren’t predictable rather than modeling them on humans
- there isn’t even a ground truth for most tasks, so of course AI systems will make mistakes
- AI safety: how do you deal with the fact that humans are suboptimal?
- think about how safety works in other fields of computer science
- e.g. Byzantine fault tolerance
- Goodfellow wants less crappy adversarial example papers
Above: Goodfellow, sick and tired of crappy adversarial example papers (I’m just kidding, he actually always looks like this).