Notes from Sindy Löwe’s talk at the (virtual) London Machine Learning Meetup. If they seem sparse, I blame 2020. Just go read her blog.
Intro: why not E2E?
- biological inspiration
- brain updates synapses locally, no global loss to speak of
- (note perceptual task focus)
- computational issues
- have to store all weights, activations, gradients
- deep networks hard to parallelise
Greedy InfoMax
- local loss per module (not necessarily layer, just some way of splitting NN horizontally)
- self-supervised loss – learning representations for downstream task
- trained greedily, blocking gradients between modules
- need to enforce coherence in what layers are learning some other way
- InfoNCE objective enforces shared info among nearby patches (in images, audio)
- maximising mutual information while still being efficient (i.e. not copying input)
- focus on comparing same architectures & same objective enforced globally vs. locally
- get comparative performance but seems to be lower variance
- inspection indicates similar feature abstraction as E2E models
- each module improves on predecessor even without gradients
- memory footprint smaller for individual modules => can train models too big to fit on your GPU
- distributed training is quite nice – can asynchronously generate inputs for the next module to train on & sync every few epochs
- each module doesn’t need to train on most recent outputs of previous module – just cache them
- performance does drop if you train each module to convergence before moving on to the next – probably overfitting
- non-converged outputs at beginning of training correspond to a type of noise
Q&A miscellany
- origin of the performance differences?
- partly the power of the contrastive patch loss
- partly the local vs. global thing
- how robust to different module splits?
- hasn’t done ablation studies yet
- splitting into individual layers and larger chunks both seem to work (in different contexts though)
- trying other losses?
- some biological justification for InfoNCE loss – “minimising surprise”
- (not totally biological though, e.g. negative sampling)